Murmuration time

I love the way the seasons slowly blur into one another, so that one moment I’m watching swallows hawking for insects over our garden, and the next, as I cycle around the lanes behind my home, loose flocks of fieldfares and redwings burst out of the hawthorn hedgerows, signalling that autumn is well and truly here.

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Graeme Mitchell

I held a precious jewel this morning. It sat right in the palm of my hand, twinkling like a beautiful gemstone or an ornately decorated broch. However this jewel fell from a tree and bumped into my kitchen window with the softest of taps to then flop to the ground. At first I thought it a leaf until I noticed its beady wee black eye, needle sharp beak and flash of yellow across its crown. This miniscule bundle of olive feathers and grey fluff was a somewhat dazed Goldcrest.

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Graeme Mitchell